Time for Back-to-school! Are you ready?

This will be an exciting new beginning for our kids and an opportunity to celebrate the learnings and experiences they will benefit from.

Let’s take the opportunity to put in place some back-to-school habits that children may have lost and give them the support they need to continue developing the core abilities all children need – curiosity, sociability, resilience, self-awareness, self-esteem, integrity, resourcefulness, open-mindedness, creativity, quality time, empathy and love.

As the lazy days of summer wane, we all need to get ready. Here are a few simple tips to help everyone kick-off the new school year with a great start, motivated and full of enthusiasm and optimism.

Ease into it by getting back to a sleeping and waking up routine. Setting up a regular bedtime and wake-up routine before school starts is a crucial step to prepare children being alert during classes and a practical way to cut down on first-days stress.

Pixabay Photo

Plan out your mornings and evenings. Some morning responsibilities children can start practicing might be to get dressed, eat breakfast, brush their teeth, put on their shoes and get their backpacks.

Before going to bed they may take a bath, brush their teeth, put on their pj’s, tuck in bed and listen to a story with mom or dad. Help your child make a list of their morning and evening responsibilities by drawing them together with you.

Reading to your baby

Make reading a routine. As part of their evening routine invite your little ones to choose a book before bedtime, whether before dinner or before bath time. Once they are on their pj’s cuddle up with them and enjoy reading the book they have chosen.

Get crafty. Make name tags for their backpacks. This is a simple and fun way to personalize children’s backpacks, as well as help them to identify them quickly and easily.

  • You will need: Cards (white or pale colored)
  • Pencil crayons/markers
  • Hole punch
  • Key ring attachments or ribbon
Pixabay Photo

First – draw an outline of the children’s names onto the cards (older kids can of course do this themselves). Make the letters big and chunky to give plenty of room to color them in.

Second – have the children color in their names. Older kids could try creating a different pattern in each letter!

Third – cut out the names leaving a small border all around, and at least an inch before the first letter (this is where you need to punch a hole). If you wish you can write address and contact details on the back of each name.

Fourth – laminate the name tags, re-punch the holes and use key rings or ribbon to attach the tags to the backpacks.

Plan ahead for healthy lunch boxes. Sit down with your kids to plan the lunches and snacks for the week. You may want to practice making these lunches and snacks together during the last days of summer.

Post the meal plan on your fridge at home, so kids know what to expect for lunch the next day and you’ll know what to grab at the grocery store.

Try to include a serving from each of the four food groups for lunch. That’s vegetables and fruit; grain products, dairy, and meat and alternatives. Meanwhile, snacks should include a serving from two food groups. Think about including some of these healthy foods:

  • Sandwich
  • Tortilla
  • Bagels
  • Cup of fruit and vegetables
  • Cheese
  • Homemade muffins
  • Yogurt
  • Cereal

Get creative, keep it simple and kid sized.

Check out for ideas in our Pinterest Board.

Flickr Creative Commons Picture


With warmer temperatures kids everywhere love being outdoors but now that we all need to stay at home what can we do?

You can set the mood for having a great camping adventure with a backyard tent or an indoor creative setting.

Begin by reading “We are going camping” or “Vamos de campamento”.  This is a fun picture book with colorful illustrations about young animals going camping with their teachers.

Take advantage of the setting and the characters in the story to introduce children to new vocabulary about camping and animals and their babies.

After reading the story have your little one point out what they need to go camping for a day. Encourage children to engage in the fun interactive activities in English and in Spanish related to “We are going camping” or “Vamos de campamento.”

Talk about the things children can see at a camp and the things they can do at a camping site.

Arts and Crafts

Encourage children to go on a nature walk. Have them bring homemade or toy binoculars, magnifying glasses and a basket for collecting different size stones and leaves in different colors.

Stones with stickers 

Children can:

Paint a picture on the stone

Decorate the stones with stickers

Draw on their stones with permanent markers

Decorate the stones with magazine cut-outs or fabric scraps

Leaf animal crafts

Show children pictures of leaf animal crafts to guide them. Have fun and foster their creativity.

Prepare Traditional S’mores for snack


Graham crackers

Chocolate bars

Marshmallows of various sizes

Ask children to break a graham cracker in half. Put a square or two of chocolate on it and a marshmallow. Add a second graham cracker on top to make a sandwich. Place it in the microwave for about 20- 30 seconds until the marshmallow and chocolate start melting. You’ve made a delicious  S’more! YUM!!!!!!!!

After snack

Open a tent and have children bring their sleeping bags. I f you don’t have a tent make a pretend one by using bed sheets and cushions as in the picture below.

Sit with your children in a circle, read the story again and sing some camping songs.

Do the Bear Watch skit and have fun!!!

This is a traditional song where the children repeat every line after the leader.

We’re going on a bear watch!

 (Tap legs and sing)

We’ve got our binoculars!

(Make a circle in front of eyes with thumb and pointer fingers)

Open up the door, squeak!

(Pretend to open door)

Walk down the road

(Tap legs and continue singing)

Coming to a wheat field!

Can’t go under it.

(Make motions with your hands as going under)

Can’t go over it.

(Make motions with your hands as going over)

Have to go through it!

(Make arm motions like you’re going through the field and make swishing sounds.)

Swish, swish, swoosh, swoosh.

Got through the wheat field.

(Tap legs and continue singing)

We’re going on a bear watch!

We’ve got our binoculars!

Coming to a bridge.

Can’t go under it

Have to walk over it!

(Tap legs and make a clicking noise with tongue)

Click, click, click.

Got over the bridge.

(Tap legs and continue singing)

We’re going on a bear watch!

We’ve got our binoculars!

Coming to a river.

Can’t go under it.

Can’t fly over it.

Got to swim across it.

(Pretend to swim and make splashing sounds.)

Got across the river.

(Tap legs and continue singing)

We’re going on a bear watch!

We’ve got our binoculars!

Coming to a cave.

Can’t go under it.

Can’t go over it.

Got to go in it.

(Pretend you’re in a cave)

Tip toe , tip toe…

It’s dark in here.

I see two eyes!

And a big furry body…


(Motion as to running back)

Back to the river!

(Swim and make splashing sounds quickly)

Run to the bridge!

Cross it!

(Tap legs fast and make a clicking noise with tongue)

Run through the wheat field!

(Swish, swoosh noise cutting through the wheat quickly)

Run down the road!

(Tap legs fast and sing)

Open up the door, quick!

(Pretend to open door)

Close it!

(Pretend to slam door with a big clap sound)


(Sighing in relief wiping your forehead)

Phew! That was close!

For more information on the things you need to know if you are taking your children Camping this Summer check out this Post on Caribu’s site.

How Reading Aloud Helps Children in Becoming Bilingual

First Things First

How can you help your kids acquire an additional language through stories?

First of all, you must provide children with lots of picture books from the time they are born.

Set times during the day to read aloud to them. During the day time use puppets and props while reading.

If right before bed time, keep in mind that reading to them provides precious moments with wonderful chances to strengthen the special bond between you and your little ones.


How reading aloud helps children in becoming bilingual Post


Use reading as a magic tool to expose your child to the language you want them to acquire.

Make it fun and natural by going a little further and having simple but interesting conversations based on the themes of the books.


Reading Aloud: A Must

Reading-aloud provides a powerful means for helping children of all ages develop their language skills, extend their vocabularies and their understanding of the world around them.

If you want your children to be bilingual, reading-aloud is even more important. Reading aloud provides the perfect opportunity for them to expand their vocabularies, learn how to make the sounds of the target language, learn about speech patterns, and gain knowledge and respect for those who speak that language and their culture.



Following are some suggestions when reading aloud to little ones in another language:



  1. Make reading to your child an enjoyable and fun activity.
  2. Provide children with ample time for listening and for getting used to the new language. You may start with short stories in English and Spanish with lots of illustrations and easy vocabulary such as the stories in Languages4kidz Picture Books. For example in the book “Can you see what I see?“/”¿Puedes ver lo que yo veo?” introduce very young children to their 5 senses and how they can use them in their everyday life with simple, engaging text and colorful artwork.
  3. Begin by reading the title of the book, the author and the illustrator clearly and with lots of enthusiasm.
  4. As you begin to read the book, suggest things to look and listen for in the story. Some of our picture books are full of onomatopoeic sounds that are fun for children to make as they are read to, for example “Ready, set, go!”/ “¡Preparados, listos, ya!”
  5. Use your voice in different ways and with the proper intonation. Add high or low pitch where it’s appropriate to maintain children’s attention. In our story “Beary makes new friends”/”Osi hace nuevos amigos”, there are 5 different characters. Young children will enjoy very much the intonation, pitch and pace you may use for each one and try to imitate you by repeating the lines of each character.
  6. Stop frequently to: Encourage your child to point at the pictures and name them. Ask easy questions that children may answer with a “Yes” or a “No” or by pointing at pictures or using short phrases.
  7. Conclude by waving bye-bye to the book and maybe adding a typical phrase at the end, such as, “Snip, snap, snout this tale is told out”/“Colorín colorado este cuento se ha acabado”.
  8. Sing a song related to the story. Languages4kidz Picture Books on the Apple Books Store and Google Play feature a song at the end of each reading.



Keep in mind that children love being read the same books over and over again and that repetition is essential to learning an additional language.

Languages4kidz interactive Spanish Books

I sincerely hope this message finds you and your loved ones well and in good health.

The past few months haven’t been easy and I would say full of challenges for many around the world.  We at Languages4kidz have been concentrating our efforts on working hard to convert our Collection of Picture Books in Spanish to digital format.

Our picture books in Spanish are NOW available through Apple Books and very soon on Google Play.

We want to contribute to children’s continued learning and have included in this digital format several features that make the books attractive for little ones:

With our interactive books children may:

  • Have the option to hear the read alouds or read by themselves
  • Enjoy auto-animations and interactivity as well as fun sound effects. Children can tap on several items on the screen that cause a character to move or a joyful sound to play.
  • Sing along a children’s song related to the theme of the picture book.

All these interactive features enhance language learning and tap into young children’s interests.

There are a lot of advantages to having our picture books on digital format:

Children can enjoy the flexibility of enjoying the books on their own or with their parents for as long as they want or wherever they are. Or as the case may be now, they’re basically stuck at home, so might as well make use of the time.

With the internet being practically everywhere, getting the books is an easy task. All the books are one click away. Children can practice and improve their Spanish skills and you can support their learning, join in talking to them in Spanish and sharing some quality time with them.

While holding a physical book and enjoying the reading as you turn the pages will never be the same,  we believe that during these changing times e- learning will have a huge impact in our children’s education. Our interactive books as well as the interactive activities booklets we are developing right now will contribute to children’s overall learning and will provide our teachers with an excellent tool to guide their success in life.

More than ever before, take good care of yourself and your loved ones.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

The month of February is often known as the month of love. Love to our family, love to our friends, love to our planet and love to all the things we have and all the things we do.

Celebrating our love to our families and the strong and wonderful bonds we create and share with our precious little ones lays a lifelong foundation for growing and having success in life.

As your children grow there are many wonderful activities that help you stretch bonds with them.

For Valentine’s Day we have put together some activities you can do with your little ones to celebrate the love you both feel for each other.

A Sweet and Lovely Song

Skinnamarinky and in Spanish A la Bim Bam Bum is one of our favorite songs. It is a sweet song that can be performed for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or Grandparents’ Day.

If you are singing the song to your baby you can follow the exercises as in the video that follows. For toddlers and older children you can stand in front of your children and teach them some gestures to go with the song. Following is the lyrics with the gestures they can do as they sing along.

Put your right elbow in your left hand and wiggle your fingers





Switch arms and do the same on the opposite side


Point at yourself



Cross your arms over your heart



Point at your partner



Move your arms above your head to form a circle, as if you were drawing a sun.



Move your circle in front of your chest.



Place the circle in front of your legs as symbolizing the sun going down.



Open your arms and bring them down to your sides moving your hands side to side.




Reading books about love and friendships

Snuggling up with your child can create such a wonderful bonding experience!

Suggestions from our Languages4kidz Team for Valentine’s Day are these Bilingual Books:

Peek-a-Boo, I love you!!Cucú, te quiero!

We are good friendsSomos buenos amigos

Beary makes new friendsOsi hace nuevos amigos

You shine!!Brillaras!

My friendsMis amigos

Adventures with my friendAventuras con mi amigo

Valentine’s Day Arts and Crafts


Children love arts and crafts. Why not make some animals with hearts in different sizes and colors? Here is a great idea from Crafty Morning that children will love.

A Valentine’s Day Sandwich

While searching the internet I found a great cooking activity that I would love to share with you!

Monti Kids video on how to create a heart-shaped sandwich is an incredible activity to foster following multiple steps and giving your children a sense of belonging as they create something to share with someone they love.


Have a Lovely Valentine’s Day!!!

Bilingual Books on the Caribu App

A very special App.

Una App muy especial.

@Caribu is an app that lets you virtually read books to your children or grandchildren no matter where you are. It is perfect for moms and dads that travel and are on the go and for grandparents like myself who live far away. Our Collection of Bilingual Books for little ones is available on the App under Languages4kidz . Go check them out and never again miss precious moments reading with your children while having a conversation and having fun together! https://caribu.com/

@Caribu es una aplicación que te permite virtualmente leer libros a tus niños o a tus nietos sin importar donde te encuentres. Es perfecta para mamás y papás que viajan o se encuentran fuera de casa y también para abuelos como yo que vivo lejos de mi nieto. Nuestra Colección de libros bilingües están disponibles en la App bajo la sección de Languages4kidz. Echales un vistazo y no te pierdas nunca mas de bellos momentos leyendo con tus nietos, conversando y riendo juntos! https://caribu.com/


También puedes conseguir nuestros libros para niños en nuestra Tienda.

You can also find our books for little ones at our online shop or at Amazon.

Mother and Child Playgroups

Mother and Child Playgroups

Today I would like to propose to all mothers who would like to support their child’s bilingual development to build a support network.

I encourage you to invite others who are raising their children to speak your language to join you in creating a mother and child playgroup.

The mother and child playgroup may be for a one hour session where mothers and their children participate in a range of activities that strengthen their engagement, build their language skills and address child development issues in a child care space which is fully equipped with toys, books and resources.

During this session a playgroup leader (that may be any of the mothers in the group) models a range of interactive behaviors and activities that mothers can ‘take home’ and use with their children in the home environment.

Our materials can help you as a playgroup leader to facilitate mothers and children’s engagement through a theme that fosters and reinforces language development and vocabulary and play with their children through a story, a song and an activity.

You can certainly become the leader in a playgroup. Languages4kidz materials offer you the perfect tools for guiding the group into sessions with activities that can nurture language development (books, stories, riddles, games, etc.) and are fun for both mothers and children.

Do you believe every child is a genius?

Do you believe every child is a genius?  I do. I believe that children are born with wonder, curiosity, awe, spontaneity, vitality, flexibility, and many other characteristics of a joyous being which are particular characteristics of being a genius.

Young children master a complex symbol system (their own native language) without any formal instructions and they are capable of learning a second or third language early in life easily. Young children have vivid imaginations, creative minds, and sensitive personalities.

It is imperative that we, as educators and parents, help preserve these important characteristics of children as they grow and mature into adulthood, so those capacities can be made available to the broader culture at a time of incredible change.

As a teacher or parent you can help children keep their natural genius by fostering their curiosity and their creativity; providing them with simple, appropriate activities such as a story, a toy, a visit to a special place, or a question that sparkles their willingness to learn about the world around them. Create a “genial” atmosphere at home or school, where they are able to express themselves and learn in a climate free from criticism, comparison, and pressure to succeed. Treat each child as a unique gift, capable of doing wonderful things in the world. Finally, understand that each child is special and unique and that he/she will be a genius in a totally different way from another child.

All kids should learn a second language

All kids should learn a second language.

Early language learning has acquired a significant importance all over the world. Parents are now more aware of the latest findings and the benefits a second language may give their children and know very well that learning another language besides their mother tongue has become a need in our society.

We are all aware of the incredible learning potential of children, particularly during the first five years.

Research has clearly shown that a child’s brain is capable of learning several languages at once, and the earlier the better. When children learn a second language before the developmental window closes, it gives them the opportunity to naturally acquire native like pronunciation, it enhances their native language abilities, it increases their creativity, it enriches their mental development, it enhances their verbal and mathematical problem solving skills, and it provides a positive effect on their intellectual growth.

These skills contribute profoundly to a child’s self-esteem and his or her sense of values. They prepare the child for life in the multi-cultural, multi-lingual world of the 21st century.

Children are natural learners. By exposing them to languages other than their mother tongue early in life we are laying a foundation for helping them be successful citizens of the world and this is the best gift you can give them.

I invite you to take a look at the following infographics with more ideas on why kids should learn a second language.

Why Your Kids Should Learn A Second Language


Get your kids outside and let them play!

Kids these days are spending most of their time inside the school and inside the house and are losing precious moments that will last a lifetime. Let’s encourage them to play outside and get in contact with nature. Get them to experience the joy and pleasure in activities such as, rolling in the grass, splashing into puddles, getting their toes into the sand, collecting rocks, leaves or pine cones, playing with the hose, looking for bugs, smelling the flowers, or enjoying a beautiful sunny day running and playing with their friends.

Now that Spring is here, let the children go outside and play.

Read the following interesting article:
