Suggestions on how to begin your first language class

We are launching some instructional videos that will give you ideas for teaching Spanish or English to very young learners with Languages4kidz.

Check out some suggestions on how to begin your first language class.

I invite you to stay tuned and to subscribe to our YouTube channel

Get ready for the new school year

Get ready for the new school year

We are at the beginning of a new school year and parents and children are busy shopping for school supplies and clothing and teachers are getting ready to welcome their new group of children.madres y bebes

Teachers are busy planning activities for the first days of school. These activities will be geared at helping students get to know each another, exploring the classroom and the materials around, coming up as a group with classroom rules, establishing routines and taking notes of the strengths and needs of each child.

There are many ways of providing activities to reach your goals but one important thing to keep in mind is to make the activities fun and enjoyable!

For very young children the beginning of the school year is loaded with new experiences. Therefore, we need to help them settle into the daily routines and the classroom environment so they can feel comfortable and safe.

The whole environment needs to be simple, with a few number of manipulatives, materials, posters and learning centers. In this way children will be less distracted, may attend more easily and may have the opportunity to absorb the new experiences little by little. Again, keep it simple! You have a whole year to add new and/or different materials, posters, and decorations to your classroom according to the seasons and the thematic units toddlersplanned.

You may want to provide children with simple and familiar activities, such as songs, short stories, self-directed activities, movement and arts and crafts activities.

Take the first days of school to introduce, model, practice and constantly reinforce procedures, rules and routines. Remember that repetition is a major factor in learning. Set the tone for your class and have a great start!

Getting parents involved

It is extremely important to get parents involved.

It is my  belief that the parents’ role in the process of a child’s language acquisition at a young age is indispensable. Parents are the most important people in children’s lives and their best teachers.

Getting parents involved


Languages4kidz believes that it is crucial to invite parents to participate actively in their children’s learning and development, while learning the target language themselves. Through our program parents learn easy vocabulary that they can use with their children at home, simple structures they can put into practice when talking to their children, songs, nursery rhymes and fingerplays in the target language and they can learn how to carry out activities that will benefit their children’s overall development such as, early stimulation exercises, movement and dancing, arts and crafts and reading aloud.

Languages4kidz materials help parents and their babies practise the target language together, whether it is Spanish or English. Parents will find simple stories, rhymes and games that they can learn to help them introduce the target language to their baby or toddler and continue the teaching-learning process at home.

We like to encourage mothers, who while taking care of their children at home very often don’t have many chances of learning a new language; and we provide an equal opportunity for fathers to actively participate in their child’s early stages of development.


When parents learn a new language together with their children, the whole experience helps develop a possitive attitude towards the target language for both. It helps parents lose their language barriers and learn Spanish or English in an informal way, while they spend quality time with their children. At the same time it may encourage parents to continue studying the language individually which may lead then to their own personal development and introduction in the labor force.

Teaching kids with songs

Teaching with songs is an amazing tool for helping young children acquire a new language.

Singing with children can be a fun and valuable experience. When you sing with young children, you can adjust the speed and volume to fit their abilities. You don’t need to sound like a professional singer. As long as you are enthusiastic, young children will enjoy it, and want to sing along.

Young learners pick up vocabulary, grammatical structures, and the rhythm of the language simply by doing what we all love to do…singing songs.

Languages4kidz uses familiar songs and melodies, finger plays and nursery rhymes that have been passed down from one generation to the next. Some have been adapted for Languages4kidz units to foster the development of children’s skills in the target language. Others have been created to enlighten vocabulary that are an important part of children’s lives, such as people (family members, teachers, friends), objects (clothing, furniture, cars, bikes), daily rituals (brushing teeth, bedtime), and special events (holidays, going on a field trip).

In Languages4kidz lesson plans music functions in a variety of ways. It helps teachers create a safe and comfortable environment, establish routines, signal transitions, create bonding experiences or teach vocabulary.

Following are some ways in which you can use music and teach with songs in your classes:

  • · Welcome children with songs.
  • · Begin your lesson with a welcoming song like “Sing Hello.
  • · Chant a song or play music to signal transitions.
  • · Play music to manage the energy level of the class.
  • · Play music to introduce new language or to review vocabulary already introduced.
  • · Introduce songs with gestures.
  • · Encourage children to sing and dance.
  • · Choose songs to enhance your story time.
  • · Last but not least wrap up your classes by singing a Good-bye song.

Music is a powerful learning tool. It is not only a great way to introduce new vocabulary, but it can also contribute to children’s progress and learning in many different areas. Music supports self-expression, cooperative play, creativity, emotional well-being, and development of social, cognitive, communication, and motor skills. Music and singing are a fun and effective way to help young children learn.

I encourage you to use music and lots of songs in your classes. It will make your classroom a warmer, more effective learning environment.

The importance of teaching a second language to little ones

Teaching a second or a third language to children during their first years of life has become a trend.

Today, all the research conducted regarding foreign language learning makes emphasis on all the benefits it brings to children and their future in a globalized world.

We have come to realize how young babies can discriminate between sounds with ease. We know they can learn two languages simultaneously, through play, songs, stories and appropriate activities in a fun and natural way as long as they are regularly interacting with speakers of both languages. We know about the benefits that learning a new language brings to children’s whole development and to their future in life.

More and more cities have become a multicultural melting pot and if we want our children to succeed in this kind of scenario we need to start exposing them to a second or third language as soon as they are born.

In this way they will be ready to communicate and relate to other people from other parts of the world and hence appreciate their perspectives and their cultures.

We would like to invite you to subscribe to our You Tube channel for strategies, ideas and guidance on how to begin getting very young children in contact with a second or third language early in life.

If you speak Spanish or English and you love young children maybe it is time for you to consider teaching them and becoming an entrepreneur. We will be glad to guide you and help you in your journey to creating a community of early language learners.

The 2016-2017 school year is around the corner, and so is your “start-a-language- program-for-kids” resolution

This is the right time to start planning for the new school year!

You may be asking yourself many questions: What are the best curriculum options? How do very young children learn? What are developmentally appropriate activities for little ones? What types of activities do babies, toddlers, preschoolers and young ones like? How many children should I have per class? What if I am a stay-at-home mom who speaks the target language and I want to start with a small group of children, including my own? And, if I want to start BIG? What if I am a classroom teacher and I just want to try some other materials to meet the needs of my students? What if I am homeschooling?

If you are in any of these situations, the newly available Languages4kidz curriculum packages in Spanish or English may be the right solution for you. Depending on your situation, our resources can help you get a good start. With our easy to use thematic units you can start teaching using whole language in context right away. Our no prep lesson plans save even experienced teachers a great amount of time that can be spent in getting families to sign up, teaching, marketing, hiring other teachers, or finding places to teach.

Get ready to start your language program with Languages4kidz resources.

Summer is here!

Summer is a great time for kids to enjoy different indoor and outdoor activities. They love to go to the beach and play

with the sand. Here is the trailer of a beautiful picture book about a child at the beach. What he sees, what he hears, what he smells,

what he tastes and what he

feels. Get a copy for your kids at:


Earth Day!!!

April 22nd is Earth Day!!! A day to celebrate our beautiful planet.

Anything to help our environment is a perfect thing to do on Earth Day and every day. There are lots of easy and fun ways to celebrate Earth Day that can actually make a difference all year long. Learn about how you can make a difference and remember that leading by example will help others remember that caring about the earth is important every day of the year.

Here are some ways you and your children can contribute to heal our planet and we’d love to hear your ideas in the comments!

1) Recycle, reuse

2) Walk and ride bicycles and use public transportation

3) Save energy: turn off lights

4) Save water

5) Plant something that your family can consume

6) Care for trees, plants, animals and the city where you live in
Keep in mind that any small change can make a difference at a time when our planet needs a hand.

Get your kids outside and let them play!

Kids these days are spending most of their time inside the school and inside the house and are losing precious moments that will last a lifetime. Let’s encourage them to play outside and get in contact with nature. Get them to experience the joy and pleasure in activities such as, rolling in the grass, splashing into puddles, getting their toes into the sand, collecting rocks, leaves or pine cones, playing with the hose, looking for bugs, smelling the flowers, or enjoying a beautiful sunny day running and playing with their friends.

Now that Spring is here, let the children go outside and play.

Read the following interesting article:

I will have flowers this Spring

Three beautiful books for reading to kids during Spring time.

You can purchase our books in Spanish or English through our webpage Store.

Spring will soon be here!

Spring is a great time to invite children to explore nature. Let them experience planting seeds, watching how a caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly or take a walk in the park to see, hear and smell the birds, the flowers, and the green grass. Talk to them about  cute young animals that make their appearance at this time of year. There is a variety of themes and picture books that can help you get organized for Spring. We hope you will find something that inspires you in our teaching resources!

Here is an example of a beautiful poem in English and Spanish that you can find in our Teacher’s Guides.


The Caterpillar

A caterpillar crawled to the top of a tree,
I think I will take a nap, said he.
so under a leaf, he began to creep
spun his cocoon and then
went to sleep
For many weeks it slept quietly,
Until one warm day the sun came out and said,
Wake up sleepy head!
Time to get out of bed!
So, it opened its eyes,

And LOOK! It was a butterfly!

It opened its wings and flew away in that beautiful sunny day!

La Pequeña oruga

La pequeña oruga trepó a lo más alto del árbol,
Creo que tomaré una siesta dijo
Entonces debajo de una hoja se acomodó
Hiló su capullo y después
se fue a dormir
Por muchas semanas durmió y durmió,
Hasta que un día salió el sol y le dijo,
¡Levántate dormilona!
¡Es hora de salir de la cama!
Entonces abrió sus ojos,
Y ¡MIRA! ¡Era una mariposa hermosa!
Abrió sus alas y voló contenta en ese día tan soleado

Why is having fun so important when learning a new language?

Learning is easier if it is fun and to make it fun we need to provide children with a playful environment. The more fun the environment, the more a child will want to stay with it. We know children learn in a variety of ways but we all recognize that play is an important vehicle in the process.

Children learn a second language in a natural way, through play, songs, rhymes, movement, exploration, creativity, games, story books and fun activities in an environment that is playful.

When exposing children to a new language use the language at all times paired with games. Invite them to play grocery store, make a snack or pretend to be an astronaut. Let them learn by doing.

Use props, pictures and sounds to reinforce the new language in a playful way.

Use music and rhythm. Music is one way to use the whole brain. The songs, nursery rhymes and finger plays they learn in their childhood will always be remembered.

Teach Spanish or English to young kids Encourage children to dance and move to different rhythms. Movement activities such as dancing, bouncing, and jumping keep children engaged, and help them broaden their understanding of the new language and its culture.

Let them use all their senses to absorb the language. By expressing with new words how things feel after touching them. By tasting and eating foods and saying the food name in the new language. By smelling hidden objects in a bag, and guessing what is inside.

You can turn everything that is out there into a learning experience. Encourage children to use the new language while counting oranges; comparing leaves; classifying different animals, food, or anything that interests them.

Let them pretend to be different characters. Encourage them to act out and role play to strengthen their imagination, expression and creativity. Help children discover new ways of playing together with others, and have fun while acquiring the new language.

Play not only adds to the development of important skills in children but is the best way to learn because it creates emotional attachments, and emotion is the door to learning.

When teaching children a new language make it easy and inviting, and set a model for fun!