“Giving” fills our hearts immensely

Giving fills our hearts immensely!

It’s that time of the year again when we all stop for a moment and think about the things we are grateful for, our families, our friends, jobs, our food, our home and all the little things that make us happy and be joyful. But then, we also want to make others happy because this is what fills our hearts. And what a better way to accomplish this but to “give”. Give time, goods, money or just a simple card with a thought of gratitude.

We can “give time”, precious time that can mean so much to others. Spend a few minutes with your elderly listening to their stories. They will be so grateful! Spend some time at a children’s hospital or an orphanage and read aloud to them. Go for a special walk with your little ones and enjoy a conversation full of laughs and giggles.

We can “give goods”. Clothing, cookies, books, anything that comes to your mind that can help in some way other people.

Set a family tradition of collecting money in jar for donating it to a cause you believe in, to a charity, to an orphanage, to an old people house or to an ONG.

There are many more ways of “giving” but remember that the most important one is to “give love”. and you can demonstrate it with a simple card of gratitude, a big hug, a kiss or with the magical words “I love you”.



Teaching English to kids through Picture Books

We have been busy working in collaboration with Adhoc Language on a new project. We have created an English course for children 6-12 years of age accessible from any device through Adhoc’s online campus. The course is based on one of Languages4kidz Picture Books “A Birthday Party.” It has a duration of approximately 20 hours and it is built into 12 units developed using a variety of multimedia resources.

Kids will learn and practice more than 200 words and will practice the use of familiar language structures.

Language exercises and hands on activities have been combined to attract kids and help them enjoy learning English in a fun way.

If you are interested please let us know. We’ll be glad to guide you into our Demo.


Holidays in October

During the month of October we celebrate various holidays around the world.

The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the most important holiday of the Jewish,

Oktoberfest celebrated by the Germans with big parties with harvest food and delicious treats.

Canadian Thanksgiving on the second Monday of October.

The discovery of America (Columbus Day and Dia de la Raza) on October 12.

And finally, Halloween which is celebrated in many countries on the last day of October, the 31st.

As part of the Let’s Celebrate program Languages4kidz has developed a mini-unit Booklet on Halloween with a lesson plan sample and a variety of activities in English and Spanish for celebrating Halloween in your classrooms. This Booklet is available as a digital, downloadable resource through our shop at the following links:

Spanish version: http://www.languages4kidz.com/product/halloween-booklet-spanish/

English version: http://www.languages4kidz.com/product/halloween-english-booklet/

All kids should learn a second language

All kids should learn a second language.

Early language learning has acquired a significant importance all over the world. Parents are now more aware of the latest findings and the benefits a second language may give their children and know very well that learning another language besides their mother tongue has become a need in our society.

We are all aware of the incredible learning potential of children, particularly during the first five years.

Research has clearly shown that a child’s brain is capable of learning several languages at once, and the earlier the better. When children learn a second language before the developmental window closes, it gives them the opportunity to naturally acquire native like pronunciation, it enhances their native language abilities, it increases their creativity, it enriches their mental development, it enhances their verbal and mathematical problem solving skills, and it provides a positive effect on their intellectual growth.

These skills contribute profoundly to a child’s self-esteem and his or her sense of values. They prepare the child for life in the multi-cultural, multi-lingual world of the 21st century.

Children are natural learners. By exposing them to languages other than their mother tongue early in life we are laying a foundation for helping them be successful citizens of the world and this is the best gift you can give them.

I invite you to take a look at the following infographics with more ideas on why kids should learn a second language.

Why Your Kids Should Learn A Second Language


I love Languages4kidz program

Read why Bilingual Blogger and Speaker Gianny Liranzo @madres conectadas loves our program and what it has taught her children.

“Today I want to share with you this BIG SALE that has The bilingual author and educator Graciela Castellanos creator of a wonderful series of books for children in Spanish and English and to teach both languages.

My oldest son has already read all the Language4kidz books in Spanish and the first whole book my other 5 year old read was from the series as well (we even published a photo of that achievement). What I like are so many things:
the font, the size, the language, the type of story, the message. It’s everything you dream of for your child who is just starting to read to get him/her to love reading.

You can find them all on their website.

This particular BIG SALE is about their series on teaching children in every language.

It is geared towards teachers but I have the series at my house and it is super easy to use to teach yourself to your kids and reinforce their learning.

It helped me quite a bit with the tutorials and guides and material.

Even if you are not a #homeschooler you take the guide and work 30 min with your kids at home and you will see the difference in their school results.”

Suggestions on how to begin your first language class

We are launching some instructional videos that will give you ideas for teaching Spanish or English to very young learners with Languages4kidz.

Check out some suggestions on how to begin your first language class.

I invite you to stay tuned and to subscribe to our YouTube channel https://www.facebook.com/languages4kidz/

The 2016-2017 school year is around the corner, and so is your “start-a-language- program-for-kids” resolution

This is the right time to start planning for the new school year!

You may be asking yourself many questions: What are the best curriculum options? How do very young children learn? What are developmentally appropriate activities for little ones? What types of activities do babies, toddlers, preschoolers and young ones like? How many children should I have per class? What if I am a stay-at-home mom who speaks the target language and I want to start with a small group of children, including my own? And, if I want to start BIG? What if I am a classroom teacher and I just want to try some other materials to meet the needs of my students? What if I am homeschooling?

If you are in any of these situations, the newly available Languages4kidz curriculum packages in Spanish or English may be the right solution for you. Depending on your situation, our resources can help you get a good start. With our easy to use thematic units you can start teaching using whole language in context right away. Our no prep lesson plans save even experienced teachers a great amount of time that can be spent in getting families to sign up, teaching, marketing, hiring other teachers, or finding places to teach.

Get ready to start your language program with Languages4kidz resources.

TESOL Convention

This past weekend I attended the 37th Annual TESOL convention in Madrid. It was a long and intense weekend filled with great presentations, workshops, a publishers’ exhibition, and opportunities to share and talk with other teachers from different places. I found myself taking notes on the latest trends in teaching English to very young learners and completely engaged with the ideas presented. My head was getting filled with ideas and my spirit soaring with motivation. As someone once said a good teacher is a constant learner – so regardless of the years one has been teaching, Professional Development should always have a pivotal role.

I felt very excited to realize that many of the ideas presented are in tune with my strong beliefs.

We must keep in mind that when we teach little ones we need to provide them with experiences and activities that work together to create the “whole child”. Activities that focus on developing children’s skills in English, as an international language, and enriching their physical, social, emotional and cognitive areas while at the same time “touching their hearts.”

We need to keep in mind that we are not only teaching them how to communicate in English but that this teaching implies, at all levels, preparing them to care about other people, places, and the world in general. We are preparing them to be global citizens with an open mindedness, critical thinking skills, respect and knowledge to help to create a better and more peaceful world.

I will continue to work in this direction and to try to instill in other teachers the same beliefs.

Salon del Libro Infantil de Madrid

Last January 4th I participated in the Salón del Libro Infantil y Juvenil de Madrid. This was a marvelous event that congregated authors of children’s Books from many different parts of the world. I enjoyed reading to the little ones some of my books and singing some of the songs related to the themes in the books.
The children and their parents enjoyed this activity and I had a wonderful time!