Mi Primer Inglés ready-made lesson plans 

 Easy ready-made lesson plans with the newly available Mi Primer Inglés Curricula. 



Teacher’s Packages with numerous materials made from our Team for you!  


144 English detailed Lesson Plans with:  


 More than 600 age-appropriate activities for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and young children spread out through our lesson components: Welcome, Warm-up, Circle Time, Theme Focus, Phonics, Playful Time, Creative Time, Story Time and Wrap-up. 


✓ Guiding suggestions for carrying out the activities 


 Tips for sharing developmental information with parents 


 Audio clips of the dialogues, songs and read aloud of all the picture books 


✓ 140 downloadable English songs  


 212 online interactive activities for children 


 48 original Picture Books with read aloud, songs and animations 


 12 Enrichment Activities Booklets 


 46 sets of digital Flashcards  


Having lesson plans ready with all the features we have added on the digital format makes it easier for you to enjoy teaching little ones and dedicating your precious time to observing, evaluating and meeting their needs.  

Let us help you teach amazing, engaging lessons every day, with all the resources and support you deserve, and enjoy time for yourself and time with your family. 

Download our Brochure and learn more about Teaching with Mi Primer Inglés Curricula. 

Get info on Starting Your Own Mi Primer Inglés Program.  

If you have questions, Contact us and let us know. We are happy to help you. 

Get ready to start your own business 

Calling all moms, dads, language teachers, early childhood educators and entrepreneurs.  Mi Primer Inglés has something for everyone. A structured curriculum, self-training, and many resources to help you along the way.  

Ask today about becoming a Mi Primer Inglés Teacher and Entrepreneur.  

Create your groups of bilingual or dual language learners and do what you LOVE most! 

Whether you are a parent, a child-care expert, a foreign language teacher, or homeschooling, we encourage you to start-up your own business with Mi Primer Inglés Curriculum Resources 

The newly available curriculum Packages for teaching Spanish to very young children are the right solution for you.  

Our easy-to-use thematic units allow you to start teaching using whole language in context right away through activities for Circle Time, Phonics, Listening, Speaking, Comprehension, Word Work, Theme Focus, Songs, Rhymes, Story Time, Creative Time & more! 

Our lesson plans save even experienced teachers a great amount of time that can be spent in doing what you love most, teaching. And for entrepreneurs getting families to sign up, marketing, hiring other teachers, or finding places to teach. 


NOTE: These are not packets of worksheets. 

 These are actual Lessons that guide you through the process of using fun activities to teach very young children and instill in them a love for languages. 

 Each Package will give you around 90 days of ENGAGING lessons in different themes. Every 4 weeks you can expose children to a different theme. You can take them through a variety of activities that help them experience the Spanish language naturally and intuitively. Each theme introduces children to basic vocabulary, lovely songs, finger plays, stories, poems and games to help develop their skills in the English language. 



Mi Primer Inglés Curriculum Resources include:  


144 English detailed Lesson Plans with more than 600 age-appropriate activities for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and young children 


140 downloadable English songs  


 212 online interactive activities for children 


 48 original Picture Books with read aloud, songs and animations 


 12 Enrichment Activities Booklets with the lyrics of the songs for children and age-appropriate activities 


 2 Holiday booklets  


✓ 2 Professional guides for teachers and Entrepreneurs – Getting Started I: How children develop and learn; and Getting Started II: The basics for starting-up your own business  


 A series of Instructional videos 


 How to teach video series of songs with actions  


 46 sets of digital Flashcards  


Let us help you teach amazing, engaging lessons every day, with all the tools and resources you deserve, while at the same time start-up your own business. 

Sign-up to become a Mi Primer Inglés Educator 

Learn more about Teaching with Mi Primer Inglés Curricula 

Get info on Starting Your Own Mi Primer Inglés Program 

If you have questions, contact us and let us know. We are happy to help you. 

Create a fun bilingual playgroup 

Create a fun bilingual playgroup

You can become the leader of a mother/father and child playgroup. 

Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

Today I would like to propose to all parents who would like to support their child’s bilingual language development to build a support network. 

I encourage you to invite others who are raising their children to be bilingual to join you in creating a mother/father and child playgroup. 

 The mother/father and child playgroup may be for a one-hour session where mothers/fathers and their children participate in a range of activities that strengthen their engagement, build their language skills and address child development issues. During this session a playgroup leader (that may be any of the mothers/fathers in the group) models a range of interactive behaviors and activities that mothers can ‘take home’ and use with their children in the home environment. You can certainly become the leader in a playgroup. 

Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

Mi Primer Inglés offers you the perfect tools for guiding the group into sessions with activities that can nurture language development. Our Teacher’s Packages come with Teacher’s Guides with detailed lesson plans based on thematic units and full of activities, songs, picture books and games that are fun for both parents and children. 

You can find all our digital resources for teaching your kids through “Mi Primer Inglés.”  

10 Benefits of teaching with Mi Primer Inglés curriculum resources 

 There are many benefits of teaching with Mi Primer Inglés curriculum resources, but here are the top ten favorites.

  1. Mi Primer Inglés curricula: carefully researched and created by the Languages4kidz Team with Graciela Castellanos as leader and writer of the programs based on her more than 30 years’ experience in teaching languages to very young children. 
  2. Access to one-of-a-kind digital Teacher Guides where you’ll find an incredible variety of activities, resources, tips, and ideas in every detailed lesson plan.  
  3. Home Kits for children in digital format with original picture books with audio clips of songs, read aloud and animations and interactive activities online to reinforce their acquaintance of the Spanish language. 
  4. Opportunities to give children the gift of an additional language early in life.  
  5. Do something you LOVE. 
  6. The everyday precious moments with the children and their families. 
  7. The joy, the smiles, and the hugs from little ones that will keep you motivated, inspired, and growing as a teacher.  
  8. The satisfaction of making a difference in a child’s life by contributing to their education and touching their hearts. 
  9. Convenient self-training program for teachers and entrepreneurs.  
  10. Mi Primer Inglés Brand and a company like Languages4kidz teaming up with you. 


Learn more about teaching with Mi Primer Inglés TODAY! 

Piensa en grande …  ¡2022 ya está aquí! 




Piensa en grande … 

¡2022 ya está aquí! 


Si quieres enseñar inglés a niños pequeños, ¡piensa en grande! 

¡Hoy es el momento adecuado para empezar a planificar! 

Si estás interesado/a en iniciar una pequeña empresa en la que se enseñen idiomas a niños muy pequeños, es posible que te estés haciendo muchas preguntas: 

¿Cuáles son las mejores opciones curriculares? 

¿Cómo aprenden los niños en edades tempranas? 

¿Cuáles son las actividades apropiadas para el desarrollo de los más pequeños? 

¿Qué tipo de actividades les gustan a los niños en edades comprendidas entre los 0 y 7 años? 

¿Cuántos niños debería tener por clase? 

¿Qué pasa si soy maestro/a de español en una situación de educación en casa? 

¿Qué pasa si soy un/a maestro/a de aula y solo quiero probar otros materiales para satisfacer las necesidades de mis alumnos? 

¿Y si quiero empezar en GRANDE? 

 Bueno, ¡empieza a planificar! 


Dependiendo de tu situación, nuestros Recursos Curriculares pueden ayudarte a comenzar bien. Te alentamos a que comiences a darles a los niños de tu comunidad el regalo de adquirir un idioma adicional desde una edad temprana. 

Mi Primer Inglés for little ones 

Learning is easier if it is fun and to make it fun, we need to provide children with a playful environment. The more fun the environment, the more a child will want to stay with it. 

With Mi Primer Inglés Curriculum Resources children sing and dance along with lively songs that help them develop a positive language learning experience and listen to story books that stimulate their imagination and creativity and gives them a valuable opportunity to follow and acquire the structures and patterns of the English language in a fun and natural way. 

 Take a peek at some samples of our materials in English as you navigate through our webpage. Browse the online interactive activities for each Picture Book and download a sample of one of our Teacher’s Guide lessons. Visit our Shop and get detailed descriptions of the picture books and the Teacher’s Packages offered. Take a look at the songs that are part of these packages and give us a try!  

 Check out our YouTube channel where you will find songs, instructional videos and samples of our beautiful picture books. 

Teach your kids an additional language 

Do you want to teach your kids an additional language? 


Then, this is the right time to start planning! 

 If you are interested in teaching Spanish or English to your young child you may be asking yourself many questions: 

  •  What are the best curriculum options? 
  •  How do very young children learn? 
  •  What are developmentally appropriate activities for little ones? 
  •  What types of activities do babies, toddlers, preschoolers and young ones like? 
  •  What if I am homeschooling? 

 If you are in any of these situations, the newly available Mi Primer Ingles Branded digital resources for exposing little ones to English may be the right solution for you. 



Depending on your situation, our resources can help you get a good start. With our easy-to-use thematic units, you can start teaching using whole language in context right away. We encourage you to start giving children all the benefits of an additional language early in life. 

Our new digital curriculum books include complete guides with 12 detailed Lesson Plans each, Enrichment Activities Booklets (printable), audios of the songs, nursery rhymes and finger plays, as well as the audio for dialogues and read aloud of the picture books that accompany each unit. These NEW digital features facilitate anyone with basic knowledge of the language and basic knowledge on how to teach little ones to follow along. 

With our resources children sing and dance along with lively songs that help them develop a positive language learning experience and listen to story books that stimulate their imagination and creativity and gives them a valuable opportunity to follow and acquire the structures and patterns of the target language. 

Having fun!!!

Learning is easier if it is fun and to make it fun we need to provide children with a playful environment. The more fun the environment, the more a child will want to stay with it. We know children learn in a variety of ways but we all recognize that play is an important vehicle in the process.

Children learn a second language in a natural way, through play, songs, rhymes, movement, exploration, creativity, games, story books and fun activities in an environment that is playful. When exposing children to a new language use the language at all times paired with games. Invite them to play grocery store, make a snack or pretend to be an astronaut. Let them learn by doing. Use props, pictures and sounds to reinforce the new language in a playful way.

Use music and rhythm. Music is one way to use the whole brain. The songs, nursery rhymes and finger plays they learn in their childhood will always be remembered. Encourage children to dance and move to different rhythms. Movement activities such as dancing, bouncing, and jumping keep children engaged, and help them broaden their understanding of the new language and its culture. Let them use all their senses to absorb the language. By expressing with new words how things feel after touching them. By tasting and eating foods and saying the food name in the new language. By smelling hidden objects in a bag, and guessing what is inside.


You can turn everything that is out there into a learning experience. Encourage children to use the new language while counting oranges; comparing leaves; classifying different animals, food, or anything that interests them. Let them pretend to be different characters. Encourage them to act out and role play to strengthen their imagination, expression and creativity.


Fall news

Fall is here!!!

This year’s Fall Season has become overwhelming with changes taking place in all areas of our lives. One of the most challenging in the educational area.

Technology has become essential in teaching and this has increased the need for new educational materials based on digital formats.

Our newest line of materials–which are now being published- for engaging little ones in English takes care of that.

Since January we have been working on converting all our resources to digital format so you can connect and teach young children in different contexts. These resources are available for IOS and Android on the Apple Books Store , on Google Play and on the Caribu App.

Following is an update of some of the resources created and that can be used as the core curriculum or as a supplement to any program:

Curriculum guides:

English for Babies 1-2-3


English for Toddlers 1-2-3

This new format has all the songs from each unit incorporated as well as the dialogs and read alouds. In this way, we make the guides more teacher friendly and also easier to use by parents who may need help and guidance when exposing their children to a new language. This is especially crucial for parents who have little or no background in the target language.

Pictures Books in English  for children from birth to 8 years of age.

Online interactive activities

Online interactive activities for each of our Picture Books to reinforce the acquaintance of children’s language skills in a fun and natural way.

We will continue to convert and publish the rest of our Curriculum Guides and the Enrichment activities Booklets for children as the year continues.

Likewise, we are looking forward to continue adding more digital features to all Languages4kidz materials based on your feedback.

Our main goal during these difficult times is to provide parents and teachers with resources that work well in ANY setting and therefore help very young children acquire an additional language early in life.

Languages4kidz interactive Spanish Books

I sincerely hope this message finds you and your loved ones well and in good health.

The past few months haven’t been easy and I would say full of challenges for many around the world.  We at Languages4kidz have been concentrating our efforts on working hard to convert our Collection of Picture Books in Spanish to digital format.

Our picture books in Spanish are NOW available through Apple Books and very soon on Google Play.

We want to contribute to children’s continued learning and have included in this digital format several features that make the books attractive for little ones:

With our interactive books children may:

  • Have the option to hear the read alouds or read by themselves
  • Enjoy auto-animations and interactivity as well as fun sound effects. Children can tap on several items on the screen that cause a character to move or a joyful sound to play.
  • Sing along a children’s song related to the theme of the picture book.

All these interactive features enhance language learning and tap into young children’s interests.

There are a lot of advantages to having our picture books on digital format:

Children can enjoy the flexibility of enjoying the books on their own or with their parents for as long as they want or wherever they are. Or as the case may be now, they’re basically stuck at home, so might as well make use of the time.

With the internet being practically everywhere, getting the books is an easy task. All the books are one click away. Children can practice and improve their Spanish skills and you can support their learning, join in talking to them in Spanish and sharing some quality time with them.

While holding a physical book and enjoying the reading as you turn the pages will never be the same,  we believe that during these changing times e- learning will have a huge impact in our children’s education. Our interactive books as well as the interactive activities booklets we are developing right now will contribute to children’s overall learning and will provide our teachers with an excellent tool to guide their success in life.

More than ever before, take good care of yourself and your loved ones.

Things teachers can do to encourage reading stories in a second language

Things teachers can do to encourage reading stories in a second languageReading kids

Studies have shown that repetition of familiar books help children form the connections necessary to learn. Children are natural copycats, who often delight themselves in repeating and mimicking sounds and words. They pick up language by first listening and absorbing and later copying what they hear and what they observe. Children love and learn from repetition, so there’s no need to be afraid of reading the same books over and over again. When you do so, repeat placing the same emphasis each time as you would with a familiar song. Numerous studies confirm that reading to young children not only boosts speech and language development, but overall intelligence as well. Consider each story as a new world for children to explore and learn about the world around them. Draw your class’ attention to the picture on the front cover. Ask questions as you read. Little by little children will be using the words, structures, and expressions found in this story with surprising frequency. Some children might not be able to respond yet, but using this strategy lays the groundwork for doing so later on. Begin to read the book with expression. As you turn each page on the book allow some time for children to participate. Encourage them to speak about the pictures they see before you read the text. Encourage them to use their senses and experience the smells, sounds, and tastes that are presented in the book. Reinforce their language skills. Help them put into words what they want to express. Establish a useful communication between you and your class. When you finish reading the book, praise children for their active participation. Follow the suggestions presented previously for making the reading more interesting and for captivating children’s attention. Keep in mind that reading aloud to young children not only boosts speech and language development, but overall intelligence as well. When you finish reading put away the story book and fold the story blanket with the help of children in your group. Chant adiós to the book and the blanket. Following are a few of the things that have worked for me:
  1. Read to children every day. Not only teachers but also parents.
  2. Have a classroom library with books in English and establish a loan system so children can take the books and read at home.
  3. Create linguistically rich environments.
  4. Organize literary events that promote the purchase of books.
  5. Make small fairs where the target language is the cornerstone and promote the culture, traditions and literature of the target language speaking countries.
  6. Invite different personalities and authors of children’s books to participate in reading events in schools.
Picture books for kids

An inviting atmosphere for dual language learners

For many of our dual language learners the classroom is the focal point of their English/Spanish exposure. It is the base of where, when, why and how they speak English or Spanish. That’s why the physical appearance of the classroom in itself is so important.

We recommend teachers to try to give the impression to little ones that they are making a visit abroad each time they enter the classroom. Not only is their visit there a chance to listen to and speak the target language, it should also be an exciting cultural dip into a foreign setting and international atmosphere.

How can we do that?

We suggest using plenty of good visual materials to help create an environment which contributes to children feeling like they “have been somewhere else” and they look forward to coming back next time. A great experience!

Following are a few of our suggestions:

  • Use posters to not only decorate the rooms but also as teacher’s tools for warm-ups, teaching new concepts, reference and review.
  • Post songs, fingerplays and rhymes charts to follow when singing.
  • Use colors, numbers, calendar and shapes charts as great physical warm-up boosters; you can ask students to stand up and touch something in the room which is the same color that the teacher is pointing to on the color poster or you may complete a daily routine with your calendar chart.
  • ABC, Consonant and Vowel Charts teach alphabetizing, initial letter sounds, vocabulary expansion, and help teachers reinforce phonics.
  • A Body Chart may be a good follow-up after singing “Head & Shoulders.”
  • Opposites Posters are often children’s first exposure to adjectives;
  • Animal Posters (both farm and zoo) help young children learn the names and main characteristics of all their favorite animals.
  • Country flags, maps, typical costumes and souvenirs.
  • Lots of realia and manipulatives to help children understand and build up their vocabulary.
  • Bulletin board filled with pictures of children in the classroom with their teacher and peers carrying out different activities.
  • Pictures of little ones with their families from their trips abroad.
  • Rotate your displays every few months. In this way, children feel the atmosphere is fresh, and they also get to learn or review basic concepts on a constant basis. In addition, the parents, waiting for their children in the lobby, get to see English from any position in the language center. And for them seeing is believing.

We firmly believe good visual materials help create an inviting atmopshere which contributes to a great language experience.